Universität Osnabrück


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Dr. Sebastian Musch, M.A.

Universität Osnabrück
Gebäude 01
Kolpingstraße 7
Raum: 01/220

Tel.  +49 541-969 6358
Email: sebastian.musch@uni-osnabrueck.de

Profil ・ Publikationen ・ Vorträge・ Mitgliedschaften


"German-Jewish Refugees in British Ceylon in the 1930s and 1940s." Jewish Immigration Reconsidered. A Symposium by the 2023-2024 Harry Starr Fellows in Judaica and Alan M. Stroock Fellows for Advanced Research in Judaica. Harvard University, 6. Mai 2024.

"Walter Jaeger's Greeks, Jews, and Germans.“ The Harvard Colloquium for Intellectual History: Refugees (Not) Welcome: European Exile Scholars at Harvard in the 1930s and 1940s, Harvard University. 21. März 2024.

"The 'Jewish Refugee' as a Transatlantic Figure and its Blindspots: German- Jewish Intellectuals and Forced Migration from the Global South." Starr Seminar on Jewish Migration, Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University. 27. Februar 2024.

Begrüßung und Diskutant in der Abschlussdiskussion bei der internationalen Konferenz: The Holocaust and Migration: Beyond Flight and Displacement.Georg-von-Vollmar-Akademie, Kochel am See. 20-23. Mai 2023.

"Der Aufstand im Warschauer Ghetto und die Bermuda- Konferenz: Zwei globale Ereignisse im April 1943.” International Conference: Looking at the Ghetto... The Warsaw Uprising: Eighty Years in Retrospect, Leibniz-Institut für jüdische Geschichte und Kultur – Simon Dubnow. 19. April 2023.

"Jewish China: Between Wu Wei (無爲) and German modernity", Global China Research Centre, Virtual Seminar Series, University of Exeter, 8. März 2023.

"On Anger, Loneliness, and Scapegoats: Reading Arendt on Migration in the Age of Resentment", Virtual Symposium – Reading Arendt Today: Migration and Prejudice, Maynooth University, 20. Januar 2023.

“The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and the Bermuda Conference on Refugees. Global and Local (Dis)Connectivity in April 1943.” Association for Jewish Studies Conference, Boston, 19 Dezember 2022.

"Antisemitism, Christianity, and the Quest for the Buddhist Jesus", Conference: Towards the Study of Jewish-Buddhist Relations, Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, University of Oxford. 11. März 2022.

"German, Jewish, and Buddhist? Identity and Belonging in the Weimar Republic", Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, University of Oxford. 2. März 2022.

"Dreaming of Stones, Walls, and Mountains-China in German-Jewish Thought", David Patterson Lecture, Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, University of Oxford. 17. Februar 2022.

"Der Kölner Gemeinderabbiner Zvi Asaria zwischen Deutschland und Israel." Abendvortrag in der Reihe Zionismus in Köln, Stadtbibliothek Köln, 14. September 2021.

"Jewish Encounters with Buddhism in German Culture. Between Moses and Buddha (1890-1040)." Virtuelle Buchpräsentation, International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS), Kyoto Seika University, 28. August 2021.

"History, Religion and the Transformation of the Jewish Communities of Lower Saxony in the 1960s." Internationaler Online-Workshop Jüdische Gemeinden in Deutschland im Wandel: Objekte, Räume und Traditionen als Spiegel religiöser Transformationsprozesse nach der Schoa, 20. Juli 2021.

"Hermann Helfgott-Zvi Asaria - Militärrabbiner im Osnabrücker Kriegsgefangenenlager Oflag VI C", Abendvortrag in der Reihe Topographien des Terrors. Nationalsozialismus vor Ort. Museumsquartier Osnabrück, 3. September 2020.

"Die 'Schmierwelle' 1959/60 - Antisemitismus und Rechtsextremismus in der frühen Bundesrepublik", Vortrag im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung: Der lange Schatten - Antisemitische Gewalt in der Geschichte, Universität Osnabrück, 21. Januar 2020.

"Hermann Helfgott - Zvi Asaria. Ein transnationales Rabbinerleben im Zeitalter der Extreme", Workshop: Juden, Christen, Deutsche, Israelis - Beziehungsnetze im Köln der 1950er und 1960er Jahre, Universität zu Köln, 3. Dezember 2019. 

"Gustav Landauer und Fritz Mauthner on Language, Religion and Buddhism", The Skepsis and Antipolitics of Gustav Landauer - International Conference for the 100th Anniversary of Gustav Landauer's Death, University of Haifa, 25-26. November 2019.

"Methodische Herausforderungen biographischer Geschichtsschreibung", 23. Fachtagung zur emsländischen Heimat- und Regionalgeschichte, Historisch-Ökologische Bildungsstätte, Papenburg. 2. November 2019.

"Möglichkeitsräume von Religiosität in nationalsozialistischen Kriegsgefangenenlagern am Beispiel der jüdischen Gefangenen im Oflag VI C", Religiosität in nationalsozialistischen Konzentrationslagern und anderen Haftstätten, Gedenkstätte Ravensbrück. 28-29. Juni 2019.

"Hermann Helfgott-Zvi Asaria. Vom Kriegsgefangenen zum Landesrabbiner", Workshop: Jüdische Lebenswege und Lebenswelten: Jüdische Biographien Niedersachsens, Landeskirchenamt Hannover. 19. Juni 2019.

"Hermann Helfgott-Zvi Asaria and the Reconstruction of Jewish Life in Postwar Germany", 50th Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies, Boston, USA. 17-20. Dezember 2018.

"German Jews and the Challenge of Buddhism (1890-1940)", Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris. 14. Dezember 2018.

"Hermann Helfgott-Zvi Asaria and the Reconstruction of Jewish Life in Postwar Germany", European Association for Jewish Studies Conference, Krakow, Poland. 16-19. Juli 2018.

"Paul Cohen-Portheim and the Messianic Mission of the Jewish People", Workshop: Messianism Now and Then - Religion, Ethics and Politics, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a.M. 1-3. Juli 2018.

"Jewish Migrants from Germany to British Ceylon and their Networks of Knowledge, 1933-1950", In Global Transit: Jewish Migrants from Hitler's Europe in Asia, Africa, and Beyond. Organized by the German Historical Institute in Washington/DC at Loreto College, Kolkata, India. 14-16. Februar 2018.

"Alfred Döblin's Engagement with Buddhism and Daoism - Eastern Religions as an Antidote to Human Alienation", 21. Internationales Alfred-Döblin-Kolloquium, University of Cambridge. 18-20. September 2017.

"The German-Buddhist emigration to British Ceylon and its Bifurcation", Emigration from Nazi-Occupied Europe to British Overseas Territories after 1933, Research Centre for German & Austrian Exile Studies Triennial International Conference, University of London. 13-15. September 2017.

"Walter Tausk's Contested Identities between Judaism and Buddhism", 48th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies, San Diego, USA. 18-20. Dezember 2016.

"The Reciprocal Exchange of Ideas on Buddhism and Modernity Between Germany and Asia (1900- 1930)", Buddhism in the Global Eye Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 10-12. August, 2016.

"Aufstieg der Außenseiter, Niedergang der Gesellschaft? Felix Dormanns Jazz in der Perspektive eines Vergleichs mit The Great Gatsby und Jud Suß", zusammen mit Bernhard Stricker, Berkeley-Tübingen-Wien-Harvard Research Network on German Modernity Conference, Harvard University, USA. 5-8. Mai 2016.

Session Chair: "Responsibility for the World: Jean-Luc Nancy, Freedom, and the Future", The American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division Ninetieth Annual Meeting, San Francisco. 3. März 2016.

"Lion Feuchtwanger between Judaism and Buddhism", 7th International Feuchtwanger Society Conference, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA. 17- 19. September 2015.

"Theodor Lessing and Lion Feuchtwanger - On Buddhism in German Thought", DAAD Postgraduate Summer School in German Studies - Culture in a Global Context, University of Oxford, England. 7-10. Juli 2015.

"Buddhism and Social Conflict in the Age of Rational Modern Capitalism - A Weberian Reading of Early 20th-Century Euro-Buddhism", United Nations Day of Vesak 2015/2558, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Thailand. 28-30. Mai 2015.

"Jewish Responses to the Influx of Buddhism into German Thought during the Wilhelmine Era and the Weimar Republic", 46th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies, Baltimore, USA. 14-16. Dezember 2014.

"Franz Rosenzweig's Encounter with Far Eastern Wisdom", International Rosenzweig Congress, Goethe Universität Frankfurt. 26-29. Oktober 2014.

"Calls for spiritual renewal through Eastern wisdom and Jewish counter-discourses in Wilhelmine Era and Weimar Republic", Conference Gloom Goes Global: Towards a Transcultural History of Melancholy since 1850 , Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe", Universität Heidelberg. 2-4. Oktober 2014.

"Asia as a remedy for the decline of the West in German-Jewish writing", Workshop: Jewish Messianism and the Avant-Garde, EAM-Konferenz, Universität Helsinki, Finnland. 29-31. August 2014.

"Judaism to the Rescue! - Jewish Responses to the First World War", The Second Conference of Young Israeli Researchers in European Studies, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. 11. Juni 2014.

"Jewish Responses to the Influx of Eastern Wisdom into German Thought during the Wilhelmine Era and the Weimar Republic", The 7th Bucerius Research Workshop, Universität Haifa, Israel. 10. Juni 2014.

"Freud in Beirut - The Mechanisms of Trauma in Waltz with Bashir", Imagining the Ineffable - Representation and Reality in Religion and Film, The Harvard Mahindra Humanities Center, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA. 29-31. März 2013.

"Rosenzweig, Heidegger and the Social Individual", Workshop: Issues in German Social and Political Thought, 8th Annual Graduate Conference in Political Science, International Relations & Public Policy, Hebräische Universität Jerusalem, Israel. 12-14. December 2012.